Update 15.1 - Fixed links and added new scripts for cayo perico and countryside. Update 16 - Added a new centered version replacing to centered 2 version and new scripts.Fixed the Liberty statue interiors. Update 17 - Added new LC East, SouthEast and Liberty cry versions to fix a crash in Los Santos.Īdded new scripts to disable-enable these maps. Update 18 - Fixed some floating benches in LC eastny and added a new bridge for vice city West versions to LS. Update 19 - Added minimaps to the LC centered versions and added a new LC centered 2 version.

Liberty city V remix -by- Carl Johnson and his team - Original map from Encryptedreallity and remix by elcreador & LorenVidican.Scripts thanks to Rechkunov.Big thanks to Lunchxbles for his great vice cry work.